Technology » Learning Platforms - Tutorials

Learning Platforms - Tutorials

Parent/Student Tutorials
The following programs have been recommended for classrooms as a means to organize and share learning resources with their families that have internet and device access:
  • Grades K-5 - SeeSaw or Class Dojo (may also extend to Gr 6 students; specifically those in a 5/6 split environment)
  • Grades 6-12 - Teams (may also extend to Gr 5 students; specifically those in a 5/6 split environment)
Families who do not have access to an internet connection or a device for their child, or those who prefer non-tech options, will continue to be provided with hard-copy versions of learning resources and communications. Please contact your child’s teacher(s) directly to make this arrangement.
Tutorials and supports for each of the platforms are available below: