Board of Trustees

Please direct general communications for the Board of Trustees to:
[email protected]


Mountain View School Division Board of Trustees

Chairperson:  Mr. Jason Gryba
Vice-Chairperson:  Ms. Kerri Wieler

F. Martens, Trustee (photo unavailable) P. Coffey, Trustee
Mr. Floyd Martens
Ward 1
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Mr. Conrad Nabess
Ward 1
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Mr. Paul Coffey,
Trustee Ward 2

Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
(photo unavailable) (photo unavailable) G. Mercier, Trustee
Mr. Scott Lynxleg,
Trustee Ward 2

Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Mr. Jason Gryba,
Trustee Ward 3
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Mr. Gabe Mercier
Ward 3
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]

J. Taylor, Trustee

(photo unavailable)

K. Wieler, Trustee

Mr. John Taylor,
Trustee Ward 4
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Jarri Thompson,
Trustee Ward 4
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]
Ms. Kerri Wieler,
Trustee Ward 4
Phone:  (204) 638-3001
Email:  [email protected]