Meet our Team
The Indigenous Education Steering Committee is currently made up of the following members:
- Amber Barwell - Ethelbert School
- Erin Boyko - Roblin Elementary School
- Norman Casavant - Gilbert Plains Elementary School
- Suzanne Cottyn - Assistant Superintendent
- Dawn Dutchak - Whitmore School
- Jade Erlendson - Social Worker Clinician
- Carrie Fayant - Whitmore School
- Melissa Ferland - Whitmore School
- Kelsey Foote - Gilbert Plains Collegiate
- Stacey Giesbrecht - School Psychologist
- Stacey Hassel - Lt. Colonel Barker V.C. School
- Wade Houle - Indigenous Education Facilitator
- Stephen Jaddock - Superintendent/CEO
- Lesia Jensen - MacKenzie Middle School
- Tanya Love - Henderson Elementary School
- Kristjana Michaluk - Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School
- Jeane Mischuk - Coordinator of Educational Services
- Vicky Ogg - Henderson Elementary School
- Shawna Packo - Roblin Elementary School
- Stephanie Prokopchuk - Grandview School
- Dimitrius Sagriotis - Winnipegosis Collegiate
- Carole Shankaruk - Indigenous Education Coordinator
- Nathan Thacker - Ochre River School
- Amy Vandepoele - Social Worker Clinician
- Kirk Wilson - Goose Lake High School