MVSD Ward 1 Trustee Appointment (Roblin Municipality)

The Board of Trustees completed the appointment process for the vacant trustee position in Ward 1 – the Roblin Municipality.  An advertisement was placed in local papers looking for individuals interested in the appointment for a four-year term.  The division received four submissions from division residents with one individual withdrawing prior to the selection process.

Val Rizok and Desiree Dorion of Dauphin and Floyd Martens of Roblin met with the Board of Trustees on Monday, November 26th to discuss their suitability for the appointment.  Trustees had a conversation with each candidate about why they wanted to be a trustee, discussed the role of trustees and issues facing school Boards and used the time to better acquaint themselves with each of the candidates.  Following these conversations, the Board conducted a secret ballot vote, similar to the process they follow when they elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson annually.

Following the ballot process, Mr. Floyd Martens was declared the successful candidate for the Ward 1 Trustee appointment. Trustee Martens was sworn in as a trustee at the November 26th regular Board meeting.